8th Element Coaching

8th Element Coaching Education


8th Element Coaching Education

At 8th Element Coaching Education we are committed to creating a safe space for learning. The foundation of this is acceptance, in other words to be, as much as possible, without judgement. We hold that the standards of confidentiality, having a beginner’s mind, focus on the positive and connecting at a heart level will maintain this environment of exploration.  We have a professional responsibility that honours the importance of respect and integrity.

As a provider of excellent coaching education, we promise to challenge our students to be vulnerable and be real with themselves.  From this space of authenticity, our coaches can offer meaningful and impactful coaching, directed by the structure of the core competencies that build and guide each conversation.  

Our Values:

-       Absolute belief that each person is whole, complete and resourceful.

-       We encourage and support self-awareness, transformation and action.

-       We honour the connection and contribution of our students.

-       We are privileged to bear witness and partner with our students on their journey of learning. 

Why 8?

8 is considered lucky in Chinese culture. To Lily Seto, who is Chinese-Canadian, this felt like a good number to go with. When turned on its side, the number 8 becomes the infinity symbol, symbolizing endless possibilities.